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<p></a>An Infographic by Arvind Envisol. Textile Industry Wastewater Treatment.</a></p><br /><br /><br /><br />
Wastewater treatment in the textile industry is a big concern. 1 kg of Textile production requires 200 litres of water. The wastewater is especially harmful because it also contains trace metals. Unfortunately, most of the industrial waste-water from textiles goes back into the environment untreated.
If left incorrectly treated, the textile wastewater can cause haemorrhage, ulceration of skin, nausea, skin irritation and dermatitis. The chemicals present in the water block the sunlight and increase the biological oxygen demand thereby inhibiting photosynthesis and reoxygenation process.
There are many methods of treating wastewater. The effluent water discharged undergoes both physio-chemical processes as well as biological treatments.
The four-step process that is recommended begins with a primary physio-chemical treatment to remove the suspended solids, oil and grease, and gritty materials. The recommended process at this first stage is called “Dissolved Air Floatation”.
This step is followed by the secondary biological treatment which is carried out by microorganisms under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. This step involves the reduction of BOD, COD and nutrients present in the water. The recommended process is called “Membrane Bioreactor” (MBR).
The next step is the tertiary treatment which involves the use of filtration process, ultrafiltration (UF), reverse osmosis (RO) and ion exchange to remove the final contaminants in the wastewater. “Reverse Osmosis” is the recommended process at this stage.
Finally, the last step is for ZLD or “Zero Liquid Discharge”. In this step, Evaporator (PFET) and Crystallizer (MEE) are used further to treat the reject of tertiary treatment. The recommended process in this final step is “Polymeric Film Evaporation Technology” (PEET).
At the end of all these processes, we are able to get approximately 90% of pure water from the effluent fed.
Arvind Envisol has a vast experience and installation base in the textile industry and a thorough knowledge of its various manufacturing processes and also its requirement for uninterrupted water supply. Get in touch today for a free consultation with our experts on your wastewater treatment requirements.